MatureTissue – Driving maturation of artificial tissues using bioreactor and microfluidic technologies

The goal of the DC MatureTissue is to train future leaders who will bridge engineering and biology to find solutions for musculoskeletal tissue repair for a healthy and aging society.

Research into healthy aging not only means to investigate fast killers, like cancer or SARS-CoV-2, but also the musculoskeletal aches in our bodies. Aches may start small, but they can become severe and significantly impair the quality of life, especially at older age. This is a clear unmet clinical need, and well-documented joint research interest of the MatureTissue faculty members. MatureTissue is perfectly aligned with the overall research strategies of the Technikum Wien and TU Wien.

MatureTissue is underpinned by a consortium of researchers from the Technikum and TU Wien bringing together both applied and basic science focus; only by this bundling of expertise all essential topics are covered: bioreactors, microfluidics, biomechanics, molecular biology and analytical chemistry. We, the MatureTissue faculty together with 5 outstanding PhD stundents are working together to address important challenges of musculoskeletal conditions by maturing 3D cell constructs to functional artificial tissues of bone, tendon, cartilage and muscle by controlled mechanical stimulation.
General work-flow and the different fields of expertise from the involved faculty members
The interplay of the different fields of expertise contributed by the participating labs is crucial for all PhD topics since they share the same principal idea of the DC MatureTissue.